encounters with my baby brother: 10

The Baby Brother: How are the choices going for that story thing you do?

Me: Pretty good.  *reads out some of the votes so far*

The BB:  Wait.  How come so many have chosen the BDSM dungeon?  What’s the matter with them?!  Don’t they have any imagination??

Me: O_o

The BB: Yeah! It’s… you know, that thing that happens all the time… you know, when the same thing happens in a certain story…

Me: A trope?

The BB:  That’s it!  Like I said, it’s hardly original for a BDSM dungeon to be in a sex story now is it??

Me: I guess there are stor-…

The BB:  *interrupts*  Although I can’t say I’m really surprised… considering the fact that you’re all a bunch of fucking perves.

Me: *nods* This is true.

Dear Perves, please make sure that you put in your choices for Ally Blue’s choose you own m/m story.

About Kris

Reads, rants, randoms & R+s. You've been warned. BTW, don't follow me if you're a GLBTQQphobic wanker. It won't end well. For you.
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42 Responses to encounters with my baby brother: 10

  1. Tam says:

    He's got a good point, well two good points actually. LOL It's so good to see BB back on the site. We've missed him.

  2. God I love these posts.

  3. Jenre says:

    I spent a large amount of time over Christmas putting together lego toys so that pic is just O.O!

    He's right, of course. we are all perverted. He, of course, is a pure and clean as the driven snow. Yes?

  4. *snort* driven snow *snort*

    Proud to be a perv!

    Veri word = “plogged” … perverted blogger!

  5. He knows us so well!

  6. Juniper says:

    Would like to affronted but, sadly, it's all true. Need more baby bro please!!

  7. Val says:

    Your brother's awesome!

  8. who us? Is he calling us perv's? Well okay we are, but classy and dignified pervs!

  9. Kris 0

    Baby brother 1

    and about time…


  10. nichem says:

    So, how many sex stories has Baby Bro read that he knows BDSM dungeons are common in them? You sure he's not sneaking some of your m/m books to read for himself?

  11. Kris says:

    Tam: I will tell him that he's been missed. I'm sure he will be thrilled. đŸ˜›

    KC: The BB loves them too. After we had this convo, the BB: You're going to post this, aren't you. LOL.

    Jenre: But of course he is. *cough*

    I bought lego for the BB and the Daddy for Xmas. I so wished I'd found this before so I could have given it to one of them. *snicker*

  12. Kris says:

    Miranda: Plogged sounds more like a constipated blogger. đŸ˜›

    Wren: Indeed he does.

    Juni: I know what you mean. I could hardly deny it when the BB said it now could I. LOL.

    Val: I'm not telling him that. There can only be one awesome in the family and that is I.

  13. Kris says:

    Amy: “Well okay we are, but classy and dignified pervs!”

    I already know that the BB's response to this would be an eye roll.

    EH: You will also like some of the other encounters coming up too. đŸ™‚

    Richelle: Oooooo. Them's fighting words. I'm so telling him what you said just to see his reaction.

  14. Mandi says:

    We may have the same BB đŸ˜‰

    Does that lego dude really have a red bum?

    Awesome does not describe this đŸ˜‰

  15. Kris says:

    Mandi: The thought of two BBs out there in the world is… disturbing. LOL

  16. Chris says:

    Yay!! Missed these conversations!

    But I have that same question – how DOES he know that lots of erotica stories have bdsm dungeons, hmmm?

  17. Eyre says:

    I do like these posts. They almost make me wish I had a little brother. đŸ™‚

    I'm interested in the answer to Chris's question. Just how does he know that?

  18. Kris says:

    Chris & Eyre: I will ask. God knows what his answer will be.

    Eyre: “They almost make me wish I had a little brother. :)”

    Almost?? LOL.

  19. Eyre says:

    Kris, I like being the baby in my family. đŸ™‚

  20. Kris says:

    Eyre: Ah, I see. đŸ™‚

  21. Ally Blue says:

    I'm putting a baby brother in my story in honor of yours. And if the dungeon wins, he's getting tied to the St. Andrews cross. Not that I know what to do with one, but still. Heh.

    In other news, where in the name of Great Cthulhu did you find the Tinker Toy boobs???? That is scary awesome O_O

  22. Tam says:

    I'm putting a baby brother in my story in honor of yours. And if the dungeon wins, he's getting tied to the St. Andrews cross.

    I heart Ally even more now.

  23. Kris says:

    Ally: Isn't it amazing what comes up when you type in 'bdsm dungeon' into a search of google images. After I found this pic I then did a search for 'lego bdsm dungeon'. Naturally.

    Tam: Ditto. Plus Ally worked the 'Great Cthulhu' into a sentence. That just rocks.

  24. Chris says:

    Kris: Please to be reporting back as to the baby brother's reaction when you report Ally's plan to him. 'k thx bye.

  25. Love your BB stories – does he know he has fans? đŸ™‚

    Did he offer his choices for the story?

  26. Kris says:

    Chris: Of course.

    Patti: He does. He is flattered, although he thinks we're a bunch of weirdos. LOL.

    And, yes, he helped with the choices for this round. We had a blast coming up with them. *g*

  27. Mumma J says:

    Hey Sissy – I'm thinking if you tell the boy child he has fans he will become even more outrageous with his comments.

    BUT then again, his mind works so differently to the norm (?go figure?) we may as well get a good belly chuckle out of his weirdo remarks!

    I suppose I should say now that although my babies are both quite strange, I do love them dearly. đŸ™‚

  28. Kris says:

    You have to love us. You're our Mumma.

  29. orannia says:

    I love these posts…and your brother's POV.

    He does have a point…although why does he know so much about what's in a sex story? *grin*

    After we had this convo, the BB: You're going to post this, aren't you.


  30. orannia says:

    OMG! I just went back and looked more closely at the Lego photo!


    The fainting could be from the heat. Sorry Northern Hemisphere people but it is HOT ATM! Hot AND Humid! I need a cold shower…and not because of that photo, which is tres disturbing!

  31. Completely off topic here: Orannia's comment just struck me right between the eyes! “Northern hemisphere people” – does it boggle anyone else's brain that we converse around the world, in different hemispheres? I think I take the communication on the web for granted most of the time. Just taking a … moment … to appreciate it.

  32. Kris says:

    Orannia: LOL. Yes, I need to know what he thinks encompasses a 'sex' story and why he thinks that is all we read here.

    Blech to heat and humidty. We had almost 2 weeks of it here. It was killer.

    Wren: I think that too, especially with the instantaneousness – that is too a word! – of Twitter.

  33. Oh! I've heard of twitter!

  34. Chris says:

    Wren: We had some very interesting conversations in San Francisco. For example, we're used to seeing the sun in the south… and the Southern Hemisphere peeps are used to seeing it in the north!

    Also, Kris had never seen squirrels. Squirrels are so ubiquitous here… It boggled my mind.

  35. Eyre says:

    Kris had never seen a squirrel? I never would have thought about that, especially since Kris has so much in common with squirrels. They both have a fascination with nuts, and she kind of acts squirrelly, don't you think? ;P

  36. Kris says:

    Chris: Not squirrels I remember seeing anyway. The Mumma might know if I have or not.

    Wren: I'm pretty sure this wasn't your day for being a smart arse. Let me just check for you…

    Eyre: *sigh* Scared, remember?? Young people these days. *tsk, tsk* So flighty.

  37. Mumma J says:

    Yes, my child, a squirrel you have seen. Hyde Park, London and Roma.


    PS: Leonard Cohen ROCKS!!! Just sayin'

  38. ElaineG says:

    well…..I shall never look at my boys legos the same again…so, Thanks for that *grins*

  39. Chris says:

    MummaJ: Yes! Leonard Cohen is awesome! Have you seen him in concert? I did, 18 years ago.

  40. Kris says:

    Mumma you have become obsessed with that LC concert DVD. There may need to be an intervention.

    Elaine: Welcome! *grin*

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