a readerly family

My family – well, mainly my Mumma’s family – is a readerly one.

We love books.  We love to read.  And we love sharing these with each other.

In fact, it is not unknown for us to visit each other with a book in hand and just sit there reading together.

It’s just something we’ve always done.  It’s natural for us.

I was reminded of this yesterday when my amazing – and very patient – Mumma kept me company for the 8 or so hours it took for me to get an iron infusion.

After discovering the book she’d borrowed from my library was one she’d already read before, I gave her the one I’d brought with me.

It was My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger.

I napped, fidgeted, whinged, took my IV thing – we named ‘Earnest’ – for walkies, and basically drove her and the nurses nuts, but I also watched her enjoying the book.

As the end of the infusion got closer and closer, I watched her more and more, and asked her where she was up to in the storyline when she started to smile or laugh out loud or was touched by a particular moment.

This was when she began to read bits and pieces out loud to me and we talked about scenes we especially liked.

This is something my family has always done too.

We read out the things we think others will like.

So, there I was… a grumpy, 36 year old Kris laying in a hospital bed and hooked up to Earnest with my Mumma reading to me.

Cool, right.  ðŸ™‚

About Kris

Reads, rants, randoms & R+s. You've been warned. BTW, don't follow me if you're a GLBTQQphobic wanker. It won't end well. For you.
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14 Responses to a readerly family

  1. Eyre says:

    You have a fabulous mumma! She deserves the squishiest of hugs.

    My Aunt E. is a reader. She's in her eighties, and when I go to visit, we sometimes just sit and read quietly. It's nice.

    My mom used to be a reader, but my dad makes her feel guilty about it. I don't get that. He loves that I read a lot, but he gives her heck. He isn't a reader, obviously. Neither is my sister.

    I hope the infusion was helpful and that you're feeling better. I know I tease you a lot, but you are really one of my favorite people. *hugs*

  2. Tam says:

    Awww. That's sweet. Hope the infusion helps otherwise that would be sucky.

    Unfortunately I have no clue where I inherited my reading gene from. My Grandfather used to read a bit and I've heard that my Mom used to read when she was young but not so much anymore. In fact they don't get why I do and get very annoyed with me when I'm attached to a book around them. Sigh.

    I sometimes despair that the kidlet inherited her father's reading gene, which is weak to say the least. You're lucky you have an experience you can share with your family.

  3. Chris says:

    That's just a win all around. 🙂

    My reading gene is from my (otherwise completely psycho) mom. My dad only reads technical stuff and computer magazines.

  4. Kris says:

    Eyre: I'm pretty sure I have the awesomest Mumma in the universe, and thank you, love, and backatchya. *snuggles*

    I wonder why your dad is like that with your mum, but not you? Hmmm.

    Cool that you get to experience that with your aunt though. My Grandad who is 90 (I think?) keeps articles and scenes from books handy that he later reads to Mumma and me. 🙂

    Tam: So do I and, after y'day, so probably does the Mumma. LOL.

    I'm very lucky to have that experience with my family. You can't beat common ground, you know. 🙂 And we'll convert the kidlet yet. I have hope. 😉

    Chris: It is. 😀

    “My reading gene is from my (otherwise completely psycho) mom.”

    *snort* I inherited my psycho from both sides. Trust me on this.

    The daddy reads, but it's something he started much later in life and he's mainly thriller. There's only been a few 'boy' books that we've ever been able to talk about. LOL.

  5. Jenre says:

    I'm the only serious reader in my family too. My mum and sister claim they doesn't have time to read – at which point I tell them that you have to make time and then my Mum rolls her eyes and says “yes, I've seen the state of your house”. *sigh* Anyway, they only tend to read when they go on holiday, which is the same as hub. Hub claims he doesn't read fiction because for him it's an all or nothing experience. He gets so sucked into a book that he can't do anything until he's finished it and so he saves books until he gets the time to devote to them.

    I'm pleased that I have at least 2 potential readers in my kids :).

    Your Mumma is a lovely lady, and I'm glad she enjoyed her book :). Hope the infusion was successful. It sounds like a horrid thing to go through.

  6. Mumma J says:

    Awww, you girls are so nice to say such nice things about me! Kris is a lucky girl to have such caring friends.

    I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read, or be read to. The aged parent was reading Shakespeare to us when we were very young, and it was my maternal grandmother who introduced me to Mr Darcy at the age of 10.

    Poor Kris had no say in it, I taught her to read at 4, so by the time she started at school she was ready for The Faraway Tree.

    Sorry to ramble…. bye….

  7. orannia says:

    Sorry to hear about iron infusion. A friend of mine has just had one so I know it's not an easy (or fast) process – I hope it helps.

    And…that's such a lovely moment, between mother and daughter and between two friends enjoying the same book. *hugs*

    In fact they don't get why I do and get very annoyed with me when I'm attached to a book around them. Sigh.

    I didn't get annoyance so much as…looked down on/made fun of I guess by family members. GRRR.

  8. Very cool & thank you very much for sharing. It was a nice story to read. Kinda made me warm and tingly (or maybe I need to pee… 😉

  9. Ingrid says:

    I don't have to ask from which side of the family my reading habits come from. Both sides. Both my parents are book nuts.
    When I still lived at my parents the only thing you would hear on sunday afternoons were the radio and the turning of the pages

  10. K. Z. Snow says:

    What a dear, sweet lady. May I borrow her?

    Gah, eight hours! Are there no pills that can produce the same result? Do you feel noticeably better? I sure hope so!

    My family and I always excelled at drinking beer together and laughing. That's as good as reading, isn't it?

    BTW, judging by that picture, you certainly were a precious little girl.

    Heh. Yeah.

  11. Kris says:

    Jenre: It's interesting how some families tend to go one way or the other when it comes to reading. I wonder if it's because people tend to see it as a waste of time and don't really understand the entertainment value of letting your imagination go with the world and characters that an author creates. It's great that you can potentially share those worlds with two of your kids. 🙂

    Yep, my Mumma is awesome, and, yep, so do it. Thanks Jen.

    Mumma: You are awesome. I can never tell you how much, especially after everything you have done for me this year. (((BIG FAT SQUISHY HUGS)))

    Orannia: “And…that's such a lovely moment, between mother and daughter and between two friends enjoying the same book.”

    It is/was. I also got an email from her when she finished the book saying 'lovely, lovely, lovely'. 🙂

    I've had moments when I've had people look down on me or be critical or tease my reading habits. I learnt to respond by pointing out a particular habit that person had which I didn't understand or like. It tended to sop them in their tracks. Job done. *mwahahahahaha*

  12. Kris says:

    Miranda: Probably you needed to pee. 😛

    Ingrid: “When I still lived at my parents the only thing you would hear on sunday afternoons were the radio and the turning of the pages.”

    That's an awesome and very evocative memory to share. Thanks Ingrid. 🙂

    KZ: Nope. She's all mine. And I was a precious little girl, you meanhead.

    “My family and I always excelled at drinking beer together and laughing.”

    That's the Daddy's side of the family. The Mumma's side is all about vino and having 'discussions' about politics, etc. Good times with both. 🙂

  13. Mumma J says:

    Precious girl you are, YES INDEED. You are also my gift from God and I am so lucky to have you!

    I love you to the infinityest of infinity.

  14. Kris says:

    Ditto, my Mum.

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