kris has an epiphany *and it hurt!*

This might seem like sacrilege to some, okay, most, but I can’t stand the True Blood TV series. It makes me want to go seriously McStabbity.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not against adaptations from books to films per se.

It’s just, for me, True Blood is a COLOSSAL FUCKING FAIL!


So much so that I didn’t realise until very recently it’s actually put me off reading any more of the Sookie Stackhouse series.


The hype has killed my enjoyment dead.

Yet another reason why the series sucks big fat hairy donkeys balls.

About Kris

Reads, rants, randoms & R+s. You've been warned. BTW, don't follow me if you're a GLBTQQphobic wanker. It won't end well. For you.
This entry was posted in book series, books, Charlaine Harris, film, True Blood. Bookmark the permalink.

49 Responses to kris has an epiphany *and it hurt!*

  1. Tracy says:

    I've never watched an entire episode. I see bits and pieces when my hubby is watching at the same time I'm reading but that's it. From what I've seen…I don't want to see more.

  2. Chris says:

    I lurve the series! I've been happier the more they've diverged from the books, actually. πŸ™‚

  3. Amazingly enough I am in the same boat at Tracy, I see bits and pieces while hubby watches… but at times I cringe! But the boy on boy action is fun to see lately. πŸ˜‰

    Never read the books, and the tv series doesn't help that.

  4. Jason says:

    Shame! I love that its not like the books and I think the characters are amazing.

    so, shush!


  5. Jason says:

    Shame! I love that its not like the books and I think the characters are amazing.

    so, shush!


  6. Tam says:

    Wow, Jase is so fired up he posted twice. LOL

    I've never read the books, and never seen even a snippet of the episode. We don't watch TV in our house except food network and maybe TLC for wedding dresses and hoarders. I'm to the point now where it's so hyped I don't want to watch it just on principle. LOL The more it's raved about and overexposed on every single magazine and website, the less I want to watch it.

  7. I am beyond addicted to the tv series, but then again, I haven't read the books.

    I want a Bill badly.

  8. Matthew says:

    Now you have me curious. I need to watch it. See what you've done?

    veriword: bibbil Huh?

  9. Haven't seen nor read this series, so I guess I better stay out of this, hmmm? πŸ˜‰

  10. Sagi says:

    i only saw the first minute of the first episode and decided that its not for me so i am not really a fan like all the rest of the ppl either lol.

  11. Yeah, it can be a bit campy but that's what makes is so entertaining. I love the King he rocks' my Trueblood world.

    PS I've never read the series I think I should because I can't stand Bill the actor on the TV show WTF is up with his accent?

  12. Jenre says:

    Please see my comment from yesterday when I said I never watch TV.

    I've also not read the SS books.

    I'll come back tomorrow and see if you have something to say where I might be able to make an insightful comment :P.

  13. Kris says:

    Tracy: The Baby Brother watches it religiously. It's probably all the sex and violence that appeals. Men!

    Chris: I watched some of the episodes in the first season. When I say watched I actually fast forwarded my way through them. Even the fact that they do diverge from the books doesn't make me appreciate it more. *shrugs*

    Miranda: “Amazingly enough I am in the same boat at Tracy, I see bits and pieces while hubby watches… but at times I cringe!”

    That's funny, but how does hubby feel about all of the boy on boy stuff??


    OMG! I just realised that the BB is about to watch all of that…

    *dies laughing*

  14. Chris says:

    I must confess to having a weakness for campy, over-the-top stuff. See, for example, all the Hong Kong movies I've watched. πŸ™‚

  15. Kris says:

    Jace: It's shit. You've got to clear the lust out of your eyes. πŸ˜›

    I think one of the main reasons why I didn't like the series is because I thought Sookie was whiny. She is so strong in the books.

    Tam: “I'm to the point now where it's so hyped I don't want to watch it just on principle. LOL The more it's raved about and overexposed on every single magazine and website, the less I want to watch it.”

    I don't blame you. I wish I'd never seen it. It's wrecked reading the rest of the series for me. 😦

    Katiebabs chook: How can you like Bill?? He's so fucking ugly!

  16. And Eric is all emo with Barbie wannabe hair.

    I actually find Sam hot. And Lafyette would be alot of fun in bed.

  17. Kris says:

    Matthew: DON'T DO IT! Step away from the TV!

    Janna: Possibly a good idea. I think there might be blood spilt.

    Sagi: *pats* Good Sagi. Stay far away from the evilness that is True Blood. *whispers* I hear it rots your brain.

  18. Kris says:

    KC: I get that it's meant to be campy and over the top, but because of that it's really put me off the books. Partly I think because all the books here in Oz have been rebranded to reflect the series. I hate that.

    Bill is a prat in the books too so that's not gonna help you much.

    Jenre: “I'll come back tomorrow and see if you have something to say where I might be able to make an insightful comment :P.”

    Like that's gonna happen here. πŸ˜›

  19. Kris says:

    Chris: I have the same weakness just not ones that totally destroy books I've enjoyed. Unfortunately I'm unable to differentiate between the two things in this instance. Poo.

    Katiebabs chook: So basically what you're saying is that you're watching the series to perve. ;P

  20. for the sexy accents of course and some nekkid butt scenes.

  21. Kris says:

    Katiebabs chook: Two of those sexy accents come from people who are from Down Under. It's weird.

  22. Sean Kennedy says:

    I love the show and think it's better than the books but I'm getting a bit tired of everyone thinking it's so revolutionary when it comes to the gayness depicted.

    When the straights have sex we see everything and OFTEN. It's no holds barred there. Yet for a show so steeped in a gay sensibility we finally had Jesus and Lafeyette consummate their relationship… offscreen. And the only onscreen sex between guys led to one of them being staked. Yep, another gay has sex and dies.

  23. Kris says:

    Sean: I was chatting to someone earlier on Twitter about that and we both figured that the gay relationship would hardly be seen onscreen. So not surprised to hear you confirm that.

  24. Sam is an Aussie also? Oh my oh my.

  25. Kris says:

    KBC: Not Sam, Sookie. She's a Kiwi.

  26. Angelia says:

    I've been enjoying the TV series. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

    I read the first of the books and Harris' narrative voice did nothing for me. But I'm a fan of LKH. Sookie was just “meh.”

    Also, Eric licking Talbot. GUH. (OK, it led to a staking, but we KNEW that was coming for several eps)

  27. Oh – I love it! It is campy and funny and over the top. And ASkars – need I say more?

    Also, I love that it doesn't follow the books.

    @Smokinhotbooks – Bill's accent is what people who are not from the South think people from the South sound like. It drives me nuts.

  28. Tam says:

    I believe Sookie was a Canadian first four years of her life. Not that I really care, but technically. LOL

  29. Kaetrin says:

    I read the first book after I started watching the show. I've been a slacker so I've watched nearly all of S1 and I have S2 ready to go and I hear there some extra man candy in S3… *grins*

    I like Bill and I'm thinking that I'm going to like Eric a lot better in S2 (I think he gets a haircut then too?) and possibly Alcide as well.

    Sorry Kris – me likey.

  30. Kris says:

    Angelia: Interesting that we are total opposites on this one. πŸ™‚

    Patti: You have a thing for Southern things… except crappy accents. :p

    So what do you think of the foreigners accents – Sookie and her bro? Good, bad, meh?

    Tam: She belongs to the Queen then. πŸ™‚

    Kaetrin: My fellow Aussies are a serious disappointment to me today. *sigh*

  31. Kaetrin says:

    …although I will add that when Ryan Kwanten comes on to the screen all I can see is Vinny. blech.

  32. Matthew says:

    Ohhh… kay…
    So: sex, violence, hot guys, boy-on-boy stuff… Sold! *off to watch it*

    Veriword: kieink Hmmm, is there some kinky stuff too?

  33. Matthew says:

    @Sean: Yeah, like in Six Feet Under. The only time we've seen some *real* m/m action on-screen was a scene with David and the Las Vegas hustler, both fully dressed and the action interrupted by the police. AND David got gonorrhea.
    Then we had Sarge asking to join David and Keith in bed, they agree and… fade out. 😦

  34. Kris says:

    Kaetrin: Blech, indeed. It was really hard for me to even see him as a manwhore when Vinny was such a lovable loser.

    Matthew: “Ohhh… kay…
    So: sex, violence, hot guys, boy-on-boy stuff… Sold! *off to watch it*”

    Not surprised since you seem to have pron on the brain.

  35. orannia says:

    I will probably be shot for saying this, but…I tried to read the first Sookie Stackhouse book and got bored 😦 And I haven't watched True Blood either. me —> useless

    But the boy on boy action is fun to see lately. πŸ˜‰

    *head wipes around*


  36. Kris says:

    Orannia: Goodness, you've become so pervy.

    “I will probably be shot for saying this…”

    I stopped reading the rest of that sentence after that just in case you were dissing the books. I really REALLY hope that you weren't…

  37. Hubby hoots and hollars right along with me during the guy on guy action. *wink*

  38. I have a thing for Southern things? I do live in the dirty South πŸ™‚

    In Season 1 – Rene had a great Cajun accent.

    Love Ryan Kwanten, wish he'd just walk around shirtless :O

  39. Kris says:

    Miranda: You so wish. LOL.

    Patti: “I have a thing for Southern things? I do live in the dirty South :)”

    I know. You've got that whole southern supernatural thing going on. *g*

    “Love Ryan Kwanten, wish he'd just walk around shirtless :O”

    *coughpervecough* Whatever you do don't google his acting history. Seeing him in the Oz soap 'Home & Away' will prob'ly scar you for life.

  40. JenB says:

    I loathe hype. It's why I never read the Twilight series and stopped after only one Sookie book (in 2007, way before the show).

    Hype is gross. I'd rather catch on 3 years after it's no longer popular than do something just because everyone else thinks it's cool.

  41. Kris says:

    JenB: Hype is a pain in the arse. Even the few times that my curiousity has sucked me in to trying something my high expectations have inevitably coloured my response to it. Usually in a 'WTF was everyone talking about?' way.

  42. Eyre says:

    Blasphemy, Kris!

    I'm like Chris. I adore the series, and the best parts of it were not in the books.

    Now, I would like it better if they would get rid of the girls. Bill and Eric could hook up. Alcide could find true shifter love with Sam. *sigh*

  43. Chris says:

    No! Not Beeeel and Eric. Eric and Lafayette or Eric and Alcide. πŸ™‚

  44. Kris says:

    Eyre: As much as it seems fantastical that I of all people would put the kibosh on slash…

    The whiny bitch and Eric??

    I'm with Chris on this one.

  45. Jason says:


  46. Chris says:

    LMAO at Jase!

  47. Kris says:

    Great. Now look at what you started, Eyre. *sigh*

  48. orannia says:

    Orannia: Goodness, you've become so pervy.

    And I know just who to lay the blame on for that *beams*

    I stopped reading the rest of that sentence after that just in case you were dissing the books. I really REALLY hope that you weren't…

    Not dissing…well..not mostly. It just didn't work for me, but that's totally on me πŸ™‚

  49. Kris says:

    Orannia: “And I know just who to lay the blame on for that.”

    Tam?? πŸ˜›

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