ratings and… THE FUCK?!

So I started reading Katiebabs chook’s post about the latest wankfestry going on all the while thinking ‘yeah, yeah, same old crap’ when suddenly…





Some peepo are turning into abusive arseholes on goodreads because they bought a book based on a review and then ended up not liking like it??

What are they lemmings and can’t think for themselves?  

Or maybe the reviewer is part of some super seekrit publisher’s plot trialling auto-suggestive book pimpage?

Which is obviously a failure cos it only seems to work on wankity fucktards. 

Geezus kerrist.  What a bunch of total bullshit.

No one held a bloody gun to your head, dickhead, so take some responsibility for your own actions and stop behaving like a douche.


About Kris

Reads, rants, randoms & R+s. You've been warned. BTW, don't follow me if you're a GLBTQQphobic wanker. It won't end well. For you.
This entry was posted in good reads, katiebabs chook, pet peeve/fave rant, ratings, reviews, reviews-not mine, wankfestery. Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to ratings and… THE FUCK?!

  1. Chris says:

    I'm terrified as to what could possibly be the next level of this pervasive lack of personal responsibility…

  2. Jason says:

    okay, am I just totally blind to the stuff going on at goodreads or am I so in the middle of it that I don't realize it? Cuz I just hang with err'body and I don't see all the clique stuff and mean girl stuff.

  3. Chris says:

    Jase: From KB's post, it sounded like it was related to YA books, so maybe not in the M/M Romance group?

  4. Tam says:

    I'm with you Jase. I live in my own little oblivious world. ladeeda I don't think it's in m/m, likely why we missed out. Thank god. I prefer not to give it any more attention than it deserves either.

    I'm always afraid when I give a book a high grade and someone says “OMG, that sounds great I'm going to get it” that they'll hate it and think I'm smoking beaver tails or something. However on the inverse side, I would never blame someone for liking a book and therefore MAKING me buy something I hated. I don't buy based on stranger recommendations and if I did, then that's my choice and my chance of the draw.

  5. Kris says:

    Chris: “The reviews made me do it: Why an author/reader/reviewer/whatever went postal”. News at 10.

    Jase: I didn't know either until I read KBC's post so don't worry. And, hey, I resemble that mean girl tag. Be careful.

    Tam: “… and if I did, then that's my choice and my chance of the draw…”

    That's it exactly. You made the decision to buy it and if you didn't like it it's on you. Don't be a dick about it.

  6. Juni says:

    I'm always Mrs oblivious too, it seems!

    If I've rated a book high & someone else low or vice-versa, it's always interesting to see the reasoning behind the rating, but purely for interest. It's fascinating to see how disparate our opinions & tastes are.

    Buying a book based on a good review from a stranger – numbnuts.

  7. KB/KT Grant says:

    I like Goodreads but it seems everyday now there's some new wank WTFckery going on there. The latest eye rolling one is where a person left yet another ridiculous comment on a review for a not yet released YA:

    “Goodreads has a huge effect on sales, so a review could potentially interfere with an author making a living.”


  8. KB/KT Grant says:

    Oh, and my post was in regards to the YA reviews over there. The reviewers bashing other reviewers at Goodreads has become vicious.

  9. Kris says:

    Juni: “It's fascinating to see how disparate our opinions & tastes are.”

    I agree, Juni, even when the person's opinion is different to mine, which means that clearly they are wrong.

    KBC: The anonymity of the internet is not a license to behave badly. Some people need to get over themselves.

    Except for me.


  10. “What are they lemmings and can't think for themselves?” Exactly!!!

  11. Emilie says:

    Seriously, yelling at a reviewer for not liking a book they reviewed? I've read a few books that had all-positive reviews and wanted my money back, but I'm not going to say that to the reviewer, or author. I learned that some reviewers only give positive reviews and that I should look elsewhere if I wanted to know what the flaws in the book might be.

  12. Trolls are everywhere – if they've only just discovered Goodreads, then I think the site has got off lightly. Have you seen some of the hate-filled vitriol that gets posted on You Tube?

    It is a real shame though, as it undermines the usefulness of the site for all the other users, and may well deter some people from posting reviews.

    I can understand the urge to say “WTF?” when you read a glowing review of a book you thought was a total waste of your time (and vice versa), but to attack the reviewer is uncouth behaviour of the highest order. We all have the right to different opinions and the sooner everyone can accept that, the better.

  13. Kris says:

    FV: Yeah. Shits me when people blame others for a shitty decision they ultimately made for themselves.

    Emilie: “I learned that some reviewers only give positive reviews and that I should look elsewhere if I wanted to know what the flaws in the book might be.”

    Exactly. You find the people who have similar tastes to yours and go from there.

    Josephine: “We all have the right to different opinions and the sooner everyone can accept that, the better.”

    Well said, and I absolutely agree with you.

    Some of the crap that's gone on at goodreads and other sites has already caused a few highly respected reviewers and readers to pull up stumps. It is really unfortunate when it affects people to such an extent – and people on both sides of whatever wankfest it is as well. Reading is meant to be fun, dammit.

  14. Kaetrin says:

    I think teh internets has provided fucktards a wider audience – the same people who used to only bother the neighbours and their work colleagues now can piss people off worldwide!

  15. Mariana says:

    I'm pretty much oblivious to it too. I read what my “friends” think of books and pretty much ignore everyone else… if I don't know or like you, you don't matter. I can't get worked up over too much right now, real life has enough assholes I have to deal with.

    Goodreads is mostly where I go to see what everyone I've befriended is reading and what they're thinking. It's also where I keep track of my books.

  16. Mariana says:

    Oh, and regarding buying books because of what other ppl are pimping… like I tell my 12 year old daughter, you control what you do, no one else does. If you cede control to them, you still only have yourself to blame.

    Seems to be something a few need to learn.

  17. Kris says:

    Kaetrin: “… the same people who used to only bother the neighbours and their work colleagues now can piss people off worldwide…”

    Indeed. The online version of little Napoleon syndrome.

    Marianna: “… like I tell my 12 year old daughter, you control what you do, no one else does. If you cede control to them, you still only have yourself to blame.”

    That's it. A lack of personal responsibility and acknowledgement that your actions will have consequences are a couple of my biggest pet peeves. I fucking hate that about people.

  18. orannia says:

    I am about to go and read KB's post, but…a review is simply an opinion, and it's common knowledge (at least I think it is) that humans are lemmings…we don't all think the same things, or like the same things.

    So if you purchase a book and don't like it…well, no one held a gun to your head and made you buy it, so…

    *shakes head*

  19. KB/KT Grant says:

    LOL @ Kris. And for you to post your scandalous menz cookies.

  20. Kris says:

    Orannia: “So if you purchase a book and don't like it…well, no one held a gun to your head and made you buy it, so…”

    Yuppity, so don't be a fuckwit about it. That's what you were gonna say, right, hun. šŸ™‚

    KBC: šŸ˜‰

  21. orannia says:

    You took the words right out of my mouth *grin*

  22. Kris says:

    Orannia: I thought so… filthy mouth. šŸ˜›

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